Saturday, January 15, 2011

Another blog? Why not!

I can't remember what the trigger was to create another blog.  I never thought I'd blog, let alone maintain several sites.  The first one was an ebook blog.  It was originally meant to track my own responses to reading ebooks, both on a computer and later on a device.  I've worked in the publishing industry for 21 years and have talked fluent "e" for over eight years now, but the blog was more for me.  As it turns out, it's hard to separate the professional and the personal and the blog became more about ebooks in an industry sense, while trying to champion the cause of the consumer.

Then I started the Love of Venice blogspot.  That was to record the fourth trip to La Serenissima.  I still have plans to extend it and put in tourist tips, restaurant recommendations, site-seeing ideas etcetera.. afterall the last trip was a full month.  We love Venice and many of our friends see us moving there, but not yet.  Need to learn Italian (Venetian dialect) and work out exactly how we can afford to live there.  Maybe we'll move part-time in our later years.  Who knows?  It's a dream.

A favourite memory from 2010

And now a general ramble.  Who knows what I'll share here.  My loves - music, books, photography, history, travel.  And maybe general news items.  It is a Ramble site so I will have to feel strongly about something to document and share my thoughts and feelings on an issue.  Will anyone read it?  Who knows!  But part of me doesn't care.  It's about the discipline of writing and getting back into the habit of putting my thoughts down somewhere.  Feel free to comment on any item.  It's always nice knowing someone, somewhere reads me.

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